Friday, January 21, 2022

January 21st 2022: Amherst and Bedford, New Hampshire

 Today, I ventured out north to Amherst NH,

Village Bible Church

Amherst Village Green

School Administrative Unit #39

Congregational Church of Amherst

Fire Department

St. Luke's Anglican Church

Messiah Lutheran Church

then Bedford NH,
Bethany Covenant Church

Town Hall,
24 North Amherst Road

Bedford Presbyterian Church
St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church

Old Town Hall,
70 Bedford Center Road

War Memorial,
Meetinghouse Road and Bedford Center Road

Fire Department

Bethany Commons,
165 South River Road
Old Master An's Taekwondo,
270 South River Road

Sebbins Brook Marketplace,
410 South River Road

where I spent a little time at the Bedford Public Library.

where I chanced upon the Bulldogs of Bedford, fiberglass bulldog statues all over town.
Bedford Public Library

Residential Mortgage Services

Got to come back to town to find all the others.

For a quick lunch before heading back, I decided to stop at Yianni's Pizza in town, getting a Pepperoni Pizza slice to go.
Not too bad for cheap.

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