Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 16th 2015: Meals in the South End and South Boston

After work today, I headed into the South End area of Boston for my first meal at Aquitaine, a pretty upscale restaurant, the Dedham branch of which I have been to in the past for brunch.

This time, I got the Soupe a L'Oignon (French Onion Soup, with Amontillado sherry, Truffled beef short Rib and melted aged gruyere)

And the special for today, the Roasted Duck Breast (With chestnut purée, shiitake mushrooms, brussels sprouts & sauternes jus).
Definitely not disappointed at all with my meal, especially with the duck. At this point, my friend arrived and sat down with me, a little early for a meetup dinner which I had cancelled on yesterday because I had to leave early today.

For dessert, I got the Crispy Chocolate Bread Pudding (with vanilla ice cream),
and though it was a little too chocolatey for me at first, the caramel sauce made it much better, as did the crispiness of the dough. Pretty good meal to say the least.

After bidding adieu to my friends who were arriving for the meetup dinner, I then went off to meet my friend at Lincoln Tavern in South Boston. This place looks like a dive bar from the outside, but is pretty happening and full of people on the inside, with the noise level so loud I can hardly hear myself talk.
I got the Lincoln Burger (wood grilled prime blend, bacon aioli, Cabot sharp cheddar, caramelized french onions),
which was pretty good, although my earlier meal made me unable to finish even half of it. More leftovers I guess.

Overall, due to the lack of anything else interesting on the menu, I probably won't come back here again. Probably a great place to grab drinks though.

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