There had been some snow accumulation last night, and it made it a little harder to see the trails, but it also meant I could easily bash through the trees if I needed to.
The next place I went to was the Powell Reed Abbott Land, where the path I took here is shown below in pink.
Other than animal footprints in the snow, there was nothing much else here though.
Next, at the Bare Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, the path I took is shown below in pink.
Other than more snow, there was nothing much else here either.
There are some trails at Williams Land, but as I was only interested in Williams Pond, which was right next to the parking area, I just took a picture of it and went on my way.
and the Old Millpond at 22 Old Mill Road, located on private property.
The views from the snow-covered beach at Bare Hill Pond at the end of Pond Road were also beautiful.
The next place I went to hike at was at Pin Hill, where the rough path I took here is shown below in pink.
I had a hard time getting to the shore of the beautiful pond due to the difficulty in finding the snow covered trails, but after a little bashing, I was able to get there,
and actually found the proper way back to my car. I also went to see the remains of the old mill and old mill race.
From here, I went to the East View Conservation Area, located at ~34 Ayer Road, where there were pretty decent eastward views of the surroundings.
The next place I went to was the Maxant Land, where the path I took is shown below in pink.
I first tried to walk the Maxant Trail on the left of Bowers Brook, but it became too overgrown for me, so I backtracked and went to walk the Millie's Path on the right of the brook, but it turned out that there was nothing much to see here.
The same could be said at the next hiking spot, the Shaker Spring House, where the path I took is shown below in pink.
Nothing to see here though.
The last place I went to today was the Black Pond/Vesenka area. I decided to check out the Vesenka area first, the path I took being shown below in pink.

I got lost in the area so many times, and I had to rely heavily on the markers and the orientation of the small ponds to get to the Marsh Pond, and the last part of the trail was totally overgrown as well. There was nothing of significance to see here too. Somehow I managed to make it all the way back to the entrance to the area, and from there I went to check out Black Pond, the trail I took being shown below in pink.
I got lost a little here as well, but thankfully the view of the pond wasn't too bad this time.
It was still pretty small though, and considering all the effort I took in order to get here, I do not recommend doing this set of trails.
With that, I was finally done with the town of Harvard, and decided to head to Cambridge to grab some food at the Third Eye Restaurant, a Nepalese Indian place in town. This place is relatively small, and the owner was actually cleaning the restaurant when I entered, so I was forced to order takeout instead, which was a good thing, as I had a 3-course Afternoon Tea scheduled a short time later at the Tea Leaf in Waltham.
I decided to get the Chhoela (dry style) (Diced meat marinated in Nepalese spices and herbs cooked in tandoor)
and the Parvate Aloo Tama Ra Bodi (Potatoes, bamboo shoots and black eye peas cooked in delectable Nepalese spices),
both Nepalese dishes.
The chicken was not too bad, though a little too oily, while the curry had too much of a bamboo taste to it, though still okay. Overall, not a place I would come back to.
From here, I headed to Waltham for my afternoon tea. This place is small but cozy, though it has an old person feel to it, as would be expected of a tea place I guess. For my tea, I decided to get the Lapsang Souchong Tea (Leaves are dried over smoky pine fires, giving it a distinctive smoky flavor),
and a short while later, a tower of food and sweets came.
Somehow, I managed to finish it all, even after my lunch, partly because it was pretty good.
Overall, this place is pretty decent for girls to come with their friends, but definitely not a guy thing.
After tea, there was still some time before sunset, so I visited a few places in Waltham
before calling it a day for sightseeing. I still had time before the painting event, so I decided to get more food, getting a Meat Lovers Sicilian Deep Dish Pizza from Romano's Pizzeria and Taqueria, located in the Roslindale area of Boston. The pizza was pretty big, but not really that good.
From here, I headed to South Boston, where the art place is located. After arriving, I helped with ensuring that everyone had paid their dues and gotten name tags, and when enough people had arrived the class started. The painting we were supposed to do, called "Fall Bench", is shown below.
Starting with a blank canvas,
The ground is first colored brown,
then the sky is done a pale yellow.
The setting sun is then painted in, alongside the blue sky.
After putting in some clouds, it was time to put some shading into the ground, but I didn't do a good job, so I had to spend a lot of time to get it right.
From here, it was time to get in the trees, which were all of different colors,
drawing in branches when we were done,
and even a bench.
The only thing I totally forgot about was the shadows, and it made my picture look a little unreal. Oh well. Some of my friends painted really well though, including smoking rabbits on their bench, as you can see below.
After everyone was finally done for the night, some of us headed to a friend's place nearby for an afterparty, playing games like poker and Cards Against Humanity. Somehow, Cards Against Humanity did not seem as fun as it was the last time I played it, and it ended after just a few rounds, and fortunately so, as it was already pretty late. I gave my friend a lift home, helping her resolve an issue with her car, before finally heading home for the night.
My picture did not come out well, but at least I did my good deed for the day, although it was already well past midnight. I hope I can wake up tomorrow for the Body Worlds: Vital exhibition.
I got lost a little here as well, but thankfully the view of the pond wasn't too bad this time.
It was still pretty small though, and considering all the effort I took in order to get here, I do not recommend doing this set of trails.
With that, I was finally done with the town of Harvard, and decided to head to Cambridge to grab some food at the Third Eye Restaurant, a Nepalese Indian place in town. This place is relatively small, and the owner was actually cleaning the restaurant when I entered, so I was forced to order takeout instead, which was a good thing, as I had a 3-course Afternoon Tea scheduled a short time later at the Tea Leaf in Waltham.
I decided to get the Chhoela (dry style) (Diced meat marinated in Nepalese spices and herbs cooked in tandoor)
and the Parvate Aloo Tama Ra Bodi (Potatoes, bamboo shoots and black eye peas cooked in delectable Nepalese spices),
both Nepalese dishes.
The chicken was not too bad, though a little too oily, while the curry had too much of a bamboo taste to it, though still okay. Overall, not a place I would come back to.
From here, I headed to Waltham for my afternoon tea. This place is small but cozy, though it has an old person feel to it, as would be expected of a tea place I guess. For my tea, I decided to get the Lapsang Souchong Tea (Leaves are dried over smoky pine fires, giving it a distinctive smoky flavor),
and a short while later, a tower of food and sweets came.
Overall, this place is pretty decent for girls to come with their friends, but definitely not a guy thing.
After tea, there was still some time before sunset, so I visited a few places in Waltham
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Hardy Pond |
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Cambridge Reservoir, 741 Winter Street |
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Westin Waltham Boston |
before calling it a day for sightseeing. I still had time before the painting event, so I decided to get more food, getting a Meat Lovers Sicilian Deep Dish Pizza from Romano's Pizzeria and Taqueria, located in the Roslindale area of Boston. The pizza was pretty big, but not really that good.
Starting with a blank canvas,
The setting sun is then painted in, alongside the blue sky.
After putting in some clouds, it was time to put some shading into the ground, but I didn't do a good job, so I had to spend a lot of time to get it right.
From here, it was time to get in the trees, which were all of different colors,
and even a bench.
The only thing I totally forgot about was the shadows, and it made my picture look a little unreal. Oh well. Some of my friends painted really well though, including smoking rabbits on their bench, as you can see below.
After everyone was finally done for the night, some of us headed to a friend's place nearby for an afterparty, playing games like poker and Cards Against Humanity. Somehow, Cards Against Humanity did not seem as fun as it was the last time I played it, and it ended after just a few rounds, and fortunately so, as it was already pretty late. I gave my friend a lift home, helping her resolve an issue with her car, before finally heading home for the night.
My picture did not come out well, but at least I did my good deed for the day, although it was already well past midnight. I hope I can wake up tomorrow for the Body Worlds: Vital exhibition.
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