Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 20th 2011: Round Hill at Lincoln Meadows Conservation Area, Sudbury

Before my chess game today, I decided to go hiking in Sudbury to climb to the top of Round Hill. The entrance to the area can be found along Lincoln Road close to its intersection of Weir Hill Road, although I had to use the GPS on my phone to compare the curve of the road with that on the map to find it, at around 233 Lincoln Road. After parking in a small clearing there, the route I took to get to the top of the hill is highlighted below in pink.
From the parking area, I headed up to point A, then turned right and headed all the way till I could turn left onto the top of the hill. I had hoped that the hilltop would have views similar to those I had at Dexter Drumlin in Lancaster, but I was sorely disappointed. Here, shrubs and trees were gorwing everywhere, and it was impossible to see far all around, even though there was a stone bench in the area. This was the best view I got from there.
Disappointed, I headed down the hill past point C, F and G, out into an open pasture that eventually led back to my car. Fortunately, I won at chess later that night, so today wasn't a total loss after all.

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